
Wednesday 3 April 2013

Wool House - Somerset House

Yarn & Needles
After exhibiting at the Selvedge Spring Fair (or visiting for that matter) what better way to relax than to visit the Wool House - a transformation of the West Wing of Somerset House into a showcase for wool presented by the Campaign for Wool.  (Several Selvedgees were spotted there!)

Amy Sommerville's Mammoth Chair

Hooked, as I walked through the door, by the balls of yarn on the table, I had not yet seen the greater delights on view.  But feeling a little tired I relaxed in Amy Sommerville's Mammoth Chair & could have fallen asleep but for the polite but obvious queue to also try it out. 

Hats by Barbara Keal

The hats by Barbara Keal were quite something although I'm not sure I'd like to have bumped into their owners!

Hummingbird Wallhanging designed by Alexander McQueen

There was an impressive Hummingbird wallhanging designed by Alexander McQueen.


But one of my favourite pieces was Claudy Jongstra's Composition Blue & Composition Yellow (and the chairs were cool too and very comfy!)

Infinity by Zuzunaga

The runner lining the corridor was designed by Zuzunaga and was called Infinity and looked like a pixellated image - very effective!

Damson & Slate Moodboard
Damson & Slate Moodboard

There were some interesting moodboards put together by Damson & Slate

There were also 7 designer rooms. My three favourites were the Modern Room by Anne Kyyro-Quinn, the Nursery by Donna Wilson, & the Bedroom by Kit Kemp.

Curved Laine, 3D Acoustic Panel & Cushions by Anne Kyyro-Quinn

Donna Wilson Nursery

Pippa Caley Headboard in Kit Kemp Bedroom

For more info check out the websites:

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