
Monday 23 September 2013

Learning to Crochet

I thought I'd tell you about my crochet experience which began this summer and is still going on.  In July, (after the Yarnbombing in Rowntree Park -, York had a Festival of the Rivers -  I went along and happened upon Ruby McGrath of Frank & Olive.  If you haven't heard of Frank & Olive here are the details ...

Ruby makes fantastic, colourful crochet garments, accessories and home textiles (not to mention a full workshop programme!).  At the Rivers' Festival she was doing crochet sessions.  How could I resist?  She showed us how to make granny squares - something I've wanted to make for years and never quite got round to.  I came away inspired to continue so take a look ...

Granny square under construction

Completed granny squares!
They're not perfect but I'm definitely getting better and Ruby was a great teacher.  Thank you Ruby, for a new skill!

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