
Tuesday 3 June 2014

Fairfax Court Yarnbombers Strike Again!

Fairfax Court Yarnbombers with all their mini yellow jerseys -
Dot, Edna, Doris, Doreen & Pauline

You may remember the productivity of the Fairfax Court Yarnbombers from our Yarnbombing Event in Rowntree Park last year.  Well - they've come up trumps again! 

Jose, from the Fairfax Court Knit & Natter Group, was in touch to see what was going on this year.  So, I went along at the end of April.  We talked about the Yorkshire Festival 2014, and York: Be part of it. Both are celebrating the Grand Départ of the Tour de France with 100 days of art & culture from 27 March to 6 July 2014 when Le Tour leaves York.  I also told them about our part in it - the Knit a Bike yarnstorming project. And in no time at all they'd knitted loads of mini yellow tour jerseys for our Knit a Bike Installation.

A very big thank you to Jose, Dot, Edna, Doris, Doreen & Pauline - great work ladies!  

The Knit a Bike Installation goes up in Rowntree Park on 6 June 2014 & will be in place for International Yarnbombing Day on Saturday 7 June 2014.

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