
Monday 17 November 2014

A Workshop with Angie Hughes

The textile group I belong to (Nest of Makers) organised a weekend workshop with Angie Hughes, textile artist & tutor, and I was lucky enough to go along.  Here are some of Angie's samples ...

Here are some of the materials we used ...

We all started off on day 1 with white cotton velvet on firm iron on vilene.  And with the use of dye-na-flow inks, black ink, thick bleach, acrylics, stencils, printing blocks, sheers, foils and machine embroidery we made our journey to the end of day 2.

And here are our results at the end of day 1 and day 2 ...

Alice ...

Bryony ...

Fiona ...

Gill ...

Heather ...

Janine ...

Jo ...

Nadine ...

Me ...

Stefanie ...

Although not yet finished, each one turned out wonderful and different - a great weekend. Thanks, Angie and thanks to Heather & Nadine for organising it!


  1. Wow, they are amazing! Love the colours and textures!
