
Monday 23 March 2015

Chris Gray at City of York Embroiderers' Guild

Afghan Bodice - richly embroidered 

This month Chris Gray came to talk to us to share her inspiration and work.  Chris is inspired by the textiles of Central Asia and Eastern Europe with their rich symbolism and fantastic detail.  She brought some amazing world textiles for us to see and handle.

Child's Hat
Blanket from India/Pakistan area made from collar and cuff edges
Detail from a door banner

Shisha mirrors are used to ward off the evil eye and cowrie shells are fertility symbols.  Chris likes the idea of work being more than just decorative and uses symbolism in her own richly decorated pieces.

Decorative scroll pouches - Chris Gray
Decorations - Chris Gray
120 hours stitching to make this triptych - Chris Gray
Beautiful patterns (detail) - Chris Gray

Chris says, "You don't have to visit (a place) in person to interact with other cultures and allow influences to enrich our lives and what we do."  Thanks for the inspiration, Chris. 

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