
Wednesday 3 June 2015

Poppies in the Park go to Rowntree Park Reading Cafe, York

Poppies in the Park Workshop at Rowntree Park Reading Cafe

This was our final Poppies in the Park workshop - we had a mix of new people and regular supporters which was great.  There was both knitting and stitching going on, not to mention a group of serious finger knitters and some who were trying it out for the first time.  An impressive 10 metres of finger knitting was created (and some more was handed out as homework - thank you in advance to Helen H. and Sam for that!) We were very busy and apart from those who stayed for the workshop we had a number of poppy deliveries from other people & groups.

Finger knitting and a selection of poppies made at the workshop (Penny & Ann - your poppies turned out fine as you can see!)

Angela arrived in time to pick up some big knitting to finish off (more homework - I can't wait to see how it turns out!)

So apart from saying thank you to everyone who came and knitted, stitched or finger knitted, we'd like to say thank you to Sew Chatty and friends, St Leonard's Hospice Knitting Group from Heworth, Kath Blackett, Easingwold Knit & Natter (& Helen B. and Sam for their second large poppy delivery!), Janet Clark, Vanessa Bradbury, the Good Humoured Ladies Club who meet at Food from the Farm in Colton, Kate Buckley and Heather's Felting Group - all of whom sent us loads of poppies.  I hope I haven't forgotten anyone.

In case you're wondering just how many poppies we have - we've got about 950 - so there's been a lot of serious knitting and stitching going on.  Thanks everyone - it's going to be great!  

A big thank you too, to Rowntree Park Reading Cafe for having us - fab coffee & cakes, folks!

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