
Friday 7 August 2015

Charlotte Lodge - Craft of the Hills Exhibition - St Andrews

The Craft of the Hills exhibition is on display at the Byre Theatre, St Andrews until mid August 2015 ...

Charlotte Lodge - Eco Print on Silk

Charlotte Lodge, textile artist, was one of the craft interns at the Centre for Stewardship in Falkirk on the Living Lomonds project, a landscape conservation programme delivered by a partnership of organisations in Fife and Perth & Kinross.  She is one of the exhibitors in this exhibition.

Plant dye samples

In her "Colours from the Hills" work, Charlotte has made a number of plant dye samples on natural fabrics from plants she has found whilst working on the project.

Dandelion and Bluebell flower dye samples

Dye results from rosehip, horseshestnut, oak gall, sweet wooodruff, nettle & wild cherry

In "Footsteps across the Hills" Charlotte went on to produce prints of her walks in the Lomond and Benarty Hills by picking plant matter and wrappping it as she went and then steaming it in her dye pot on her return. (Note: plants were selected from windfall, or dying plants or those found in abundance.)

Charlotte Lodge - Eco Print on Silk

Take a look at her work and the other interns work in the exhibition if you're in the neighbourhood!

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