
Tuesday 13 October 2015

Workshop with Priscilla Jones @ Made in Whitley Bay

Priscilla Jones - Spoons
Priscilla Jones - Tea Cup & Jug
Priscilla Jones - Flower

I have been intrigued by the work of Priscilla Jones since I first saw it at Farfield Mill in Sedburgh several years ago.  By magic (I think it was actually Twitter) I came across a workshop that Priscilla was doing that I could go to and had spaces!  It was at Made in Whitley Bay, a delightful cafe, gift shop and workshop venue run by the lovely & talented Jeannie Gallon.

Priscilla Jones

Priscilla has a degree in embroidery from Manchester Metropolitan University and creates amazing stitched 2D & 3D mixed media pieces.  Her work explores the concepts of identity, memory and nostalgia. 

Examples of Priscilla's Work

Priscilla was showing us how to make 3D wirework pieces using wire, fabric, wax, paint, thread, stitch & buttons.  After a demonstration we began to build up our wire structures ...

Wirework underway for Mandy, Anne & Shirley

and after a break for a delicious lunch ...

Delicious lunch prepared by Jeannie

went on to add fabric, wax, paint and decorate our pieces ...

Waxing and decorating - Jeannie, Mandy, Shirley & Anne

Finally they were finished - just in time for a show & tell:

Jeannie's Flower

Anne's Dish

Shirley's Jug & Flower

Mandy's Mermaid

My teacup, saucer & spoon
My spoon

It was a thoroughly fabulous day and I can certainly recommend a course with Priscilla or a course at Made.  I can't wait to make some more pieces!

And by the way - Jeannie has lots of lovely things to buy at Made including things she makes herself.  I snapped up these while I was there ...

Needlcase & Pin Cushion made by Jeannie Gallon

They were going to be a present but I might have to keep them for myself. 


  1. These all look fantastic and it looks like a really fun workshop. I love the 'drawn' quality the wire gives to these 3D pieces.

    1. It was a really good day - thoroughly recommended!
