
Friday 4 December 2015

Graduate Showcase etc. at the Harrogate Knitting & Stitching Show 2015

Helen Sill and her work

Helen Sill was exhibiting this year as the Embroiderers' Guild (EG) Education Scholar.  This is a new project which Helen is involved with which aims to "to reinvigorate the teaching of stitch in the classroom by providing ideas and top quality resources for teachers that will be linked to the new National Curriculum". The EG hope to roll this out in 2016.  Helen's work made quite an impact because it's great and because of her use of a single colour (red).

Julie Heaton - Camera

Julie Heaton's work was fantastic. The detail and precision are amazing.  Very interesting to have a traditionally male subject (car engine) represented through a traditionally female medium (stitch).

Julie Heaton - Car Engine

I also found Sarah Tran's sculptural origami and Holly Hart's 3D assemblages interesting.

Sarah Tran - Sculptural Fabric Origami
Holly Hart - 3D assemblage

And Alice Selwood's cushions were fab (no photos allowed)

The Kingston University & the WI Celebrating 100 Years of Craft Knitwear Project was also on display which I blogged about earlier this year.

Bonnie Gibbons - Kingston University, Karen Griffiths & Audrey Wilson - WI

If you want to read more about this year's Knitting & Stitching Show in Harrogate then I have some more blogposts about the Textile Gallery:

Click here for the one about the Design & Crafts Council of Ireland "Entwined Memories", Stella Harding or New Zealand Contemporary Textiles

Click here for the one about Michala Gyetvai, Isobel Hall, Amanda Clayton & Vivien Prideaux, Helen Pailing & Festival of Quilts Winners - Catherine Groves & Joy Salvage.

Altogether another great show!

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