
Monday 22 February 2016

"How to..." at the new Open Shop in York

If you haven't visited the Open Shop in New Earswick, York then it's time to take a look.  It's a place where you can meet up, share your ideas, take part in Trade Schools, Public Office sessions, attend workshops or just pop in for a cup of tea.  All events are free to attend (Trade Schools work on barter) and have been created with local people for local people.  To find out more about all the events on offer, click here.
Public Office session at Open Shop York

There are two big tables to gather round

I've already dropped off a bag of knitting materials if you want to relax there and do a bit of knitting 
Open Shop York

One of the events I'm involved with is on Saturday 5 March 2016.  Here York Makers are running some workshops and all materials are provided ...

10:00 to 12:00 Yarnstorming with Hippystitch
Join Hippystitch and have a go at knitting, finger knitting, arm knitting, pompom making and stitching to create a display for the Open Shop.

12:00 to 14:00 Card Making with Lucy Monkman
Lucy will be holding a fun card making workshop for adults and children

Nicola from O'Crumbs will also be there to share her baking tips.
You can find the Open Shop at:

20 Hawthorn Terrace
New Easwick
YO32 4BL 

which is where the old Post Office used to be.  Tnere is a small car park just round the corner or hop on your bike or the bus if it's too far to walk.  Hope to see you there ...

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Just arrived at Ebbing Tide in Neil's Gallery, Filey

Magical Mermaids swim into Filey

Hippystitch goodies are now being stocked by Ebbing Tide at Neil's Gallery in Filey.  So if you've taken a trip to the seaside do take a look - there are lots of lovely things on offer there. 

Don't forget a walk on the beach or the cliff top - pleasantly bracing at this time of year!  Then follow it up with a coffee at The Coffee Shed - fab!
People & Places Brooches & Map Pouches

It's always great to take a trip to the seaside.  Go on - you know you want to!

Thursday 11 February 2016

Wonderful visible mending & how to rejuvenate an old coat

The problem

I'm beginning to enjoy visible mending - it's colourful (or can be) and you don't have to be too careful and you can use what's to hand.  So here's the problem - I've got this coat and it's got a ripped lining.  Now you can't see the ripped lining when I'm wearing it but it's a bit of a mess and I know it's there so I want to repair it.

The Coat

Here's the plan.  I've got lots of Liberty fabric scraps - largely from the fabric necklaces I make - so I thought I'd make an interesting patch from a variety of pieces.  This could then be used to cover the ripped part of the lining.  I didn't have to undo much of the lining (just a little on the side seam) then I was able to hand sew my patch in place and stitch the side seam back up.  Was it successful?  Well here's what it looks like ...

Liberty print repair

I think it's a big improvement - you can let me know what you think ... 

Monday 8 February 2016

Liberty in Fashion - Fashion and Textile Museum, London

Elsie & Felix & typical Liberty florals

This exhibition at the Fashion & Textile Museum in London showcases Liberty clothes and textiles from 1875 when Arthur Lasenby Liberty opened his first store on Regent Street.  It explores Liberty's impact on fashion in the 19th and 20th centuries and its collaborations with designers and other brands.

Liberty embroidery

Liberty produced embroidery designs which could be used as an economic way to embellish clothes.

Smock detail

Liberty was also responsible for the rediscovery of some traditional crafts.  Smocking was one of these and became one of its trademark looks.  Kate Greenaway, children's illustrator and author was closely associated with Liberty's children's wear and her illustrations often depicted children in smocked dresses. 

Smocked Child's "Mab" Dress by Liberty & Co.

In the 1960s Liberty's fabrics were used by many of the new designers who were located around Carnaby Street and brought a particular "Englishness" to their look.

Liberty prints deigned for the Dolly Rockers label in the 1960s

The 1970s nostalgia for the past meant Liberty's floral prints fitted the mood well.
1970's Nostalgia

Liberty continues to collaborate with other designers and brands ...

Cacharel 2004

Cacharel 2004
Nike X Liberty 2015

If you love Liberty go take a look.  The exhibiton is on until 28 February 2016.

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Quick & Simple Upcycle Project - Suitcase with Vintage Maps

Recently at a vintage fair I bought a little suitcase - mostly for the contents (more of that another time) but also because even if a bit battered it's quite cute.  I haven't got a completely "before" pic.  It did have quite a lot of paint on it and it wasn't till I got it all off that I thought to take the first pic.

Suitcase - bottom

The inside was completely grotty and I have taken a photo of those stained wrinkly insides ...

stained and grotty insides

So having got the paint off the outside and cleaned the suitcase up - mostly with a cloth and hot soapy water I took out all the horrid stained paper insides which were beginning to peel off anyway.  Any bits that remained stuck, I moistened with a damp cloth then scraped them off and gave the whole inside a good wipe out.  Then I left it to dry.

Vintage map interior

A vintage map interior would be just the job, I thought.  Looking through my map collection, Bartholomew's Firth of Clyde seemed to fit the bill nicely.  I cut the map to fit.  One piece was enough for the lid but the base needed 4 pieces - 3 for the two sides and front and one for the bottom and back.  I had to join one piece on one side mainly to get the bits of map I thought would look best - they don't all join together mapwise but they look reasonably coherent.  

new vintage map insides

Of course you could have all completely different map pieces if you wanted.


I used some new glue that I got the same day as the suitcase.  It had been recommended.  I opened it and was immensely impressed with the design.  In the centre of the jar was a special place for a mini glue brush - how cool is that!  I used it to glue my map pieces in place and it was excellent.  Here's the finished product ...

Upcycled suitcase with vintage maps

I did it all one evening, let it dry overnight and next day it was ready to use.