
Saturday 25 June 2016

Fantasy Fish get ready for a Fishstorm

Piles of fantasy fish!
It's official - we now have piles of #fantasyfish.  People have managed to #increasetheshoal to over 500!  Here are some of the fish that have swum in recently to join the #fishstorm yarnstorm.
Chris's fab five

Carol C's shoal

Naomi's jellyfish
Sarah & Catherine's cool contribution

Some great fish from an unknown maker or makers

Carol W's fish - knitted, stitched and felted!

More from Natalie & Gillian

An embellished fantasy fish from an unknown maker

Suzanne's cute crochet

A shoal of jumper fish
Christine's super crochet & felt creatures

As a result of the arrival of all these fab fantasy fish I've been in Rowntree Park doing a bit of test hanging ...

Just trying to work it all out ...

Part of the shoal...

The Fantasy Fish Yarnstorm goes up on Monday 27 June 2016, weather permitting - keep a look out ...

The Fantasy Fish Project is sponsored by the Friends of Rowntree Park and has been supported by Hobbycraft, York, Knit & Stitch, York and York School of Sewing.

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