
Thursday 29 September 2016

Autumn Delivery to The Ropewalk, Barton upon Humber

Ceramic button brooches

I have just been to the fab Ropewalk in Barton upon Humber to deliver some new Hippystitch stock so here is a taster of what you will find ...

Liberty print fabric necklaces
Three different sorts of flower button bracelets
People & Places brooches + map pouches

Coin brooches

There's lots of different sorts of button brooches too...

Large metal button brooches
Wooden button brooches
Colourful button brooches
Small button brooches

and all sorts of other goodies...

Large & small domino brooches

Knitted wire bird brooches
Femmes Fatales brooches

and if you also need a bag to put it all in then there's bikes or fish!

Screen printed bike bags in blue, pink or black

Lino printed fish bags

Why not take a trip to The Ropewalk and have a look!

Monday 19 September 2016

Recent Deliveries

Domino brooches at Blossom Street Gallery & Framing

When September comes around it's usually time to do a bit of restocking so I thought you might like to see what's been happening.  

Some domino brooches have zoomed into Blossom Street Gallery & Framing in York

Flower button bracelets now available in Kunsthuis Gallery

and a series of colourful flower button bracelets and felt necklaces have winged their way to Kunsthuis Gallery in Crayke.

Felt necklaces new into Crayke

Both galleries are lovely, so do go and have a look. They are places to seek out whether in the city (Blossom Street Gallery in York) or the country (Kunsthuis Gallery in Crayke) and either way you'll have a great time.

Later this month I shall be off to The Ropewalk in Barton upon Humber with a big delivery so more excitment coming soon!


Monday 12 September 2016

The Handmade Fair with Walter & May 16-18 September 2016


It's very exciting - I'm being represented at The Handmade Fair (yes, the Kirsty Allsop one!) by the fabulous Walter & May. Walter and May is a great online shop consisting entirely of handmade loveliness and is run from her Home HQ by entrepreneur, Beth Elsdon. If you haven't yet taken a look at Walter & May now is just the time.  So, get ahead of the game (I could even mention the C word  - it is September after all - but I won't) and find some gifts for your loved ones or even yourself. 

Liberty Print fabric necklaces - wear them short or long

Here's a sneaky peak at some of the Hippystitch goodies that will be going along to the Handmade Fair.

Cute resin & button brooches
Lots of colours to choose from

Domino brooches

Wild Women & Magical Mermaid Brooches - are you wild enough to wear one?

The Handmade Fair is on The Green at Hampton Court Palace, London from the 16-18 September 2016 and is open from 9.30am to 6pm each day.  You can book tickets here.  To help you find Walter & May at The Handmade Fair, look for stand E58.  Enjoy!

If you can't make it to The Handmade Fair at Hampton Court Palace why not find Walter & May online now.

Friday 9 September 2016

Fantasy Fish - Sales of the Summer

Fantasy Fish proving popular

After the Fantasy Fish Yarnstorm was taken down, all the fish whirled in the washer, went "online" and then got packed up ready for the #FantasyFish sales.  

All packed up and ready to go

Not only were there all the fish but we needed plenty of tables too...

Tables, chairs and a very large fish

We used the big fish as our sign. 

Rummaging for fish

The sales were fantastic with lots of people coming along to buy fish.  We had to have sealed bids for these beauties...

A catch of mackerel

...and the winning bid saw them go to live with a local artist.  The goldfish in the bowl...

Knitted goldfish, knitted pebbles & crocheted plant

...has gone to be a carefree pet in the Ocean Room at the Robert Wilkinson Primary Academy in Strensall, York. A number of other lovelies are now swimming in their own bowls at their new owners too! 
An inseparable pair!

A bluefish in its bowl

The hammerheads proved popular.  One is now residing in a cabinet of awesomeness...

Peopleofyorkshire's hammerhead at home

But, what I'm sure you'd really like to know is how much we raised for the York Flood Appeal?  It was an amazing £600+.  So a big THANK YOU to everyone who made or bought fish or donated to the cause - a fantastic community effort.  And it's been a blast!