
Friday 9 September 2016

Fantasy Fish - Sales of the Summer

Fantasy Fish proving popular

After the Fantasy Fish Yarnstorm was taken down, all the fish whirled in the washer, went "online" and then got packed up ready for the #FantasyFish sales.  

All packed up and ready to go

Not only were there all the fish but we needed plenty of tables too...

Tables, chairs and a very large fish

We used the big fish as our sign. 

Rummaging for fish

The sales were fantastic with lots of people coming along to buy fish.  We had to have sealed bids for these beauties...

A catch of mackerel

...and the winning bid saw them go to live with a local artist.  The goldfish in the bowl...

Knitted goldfish, knitted pebbles & crocheted plant

...has gone to be a carefree pet in the Ocean Room at the Robert Wilkinson Primary Academy in Strensall, York. A number of other lovelies are now swimming in their own bowls at their new owners too! 
An inseparable pair!

A bluefish in its bowl

The hammerheads proved popular.  One is now residing in a cabinet of awesomeness...

Peopleofyorkshire's hammerhead at home

But, what I'm sure you'd really like to know is how much we raised for the York Flood Appeal?  It was an amazing £600+.  So a big THANK YOU to everyone who made or bought fish or donated to the cause - a fantastic community effort.  And it's been a blast!

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