Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Nora Fok's "New Threads" at the Harley Gallery

Nora Fok - Tomato Earrings 2012 (knitted nylon & Linlon)

If you haven't seen Nora Fok's "New Threads" exhibition at the Harley Gallery recently here's a little something to cheer you up!  Nora is one of Britain's leading jewellers.  Her work is very sculptural and the pieces in this exhibition were created using nylon, flax and 3D printing.  Nora has invented "Linlon" thread which is a mixed nylon and linen thread.  Her work explores the interaction between art and science.  The proceses Nora uses include weaving, knitting, crochet & knotting.

Nora Fok - White Linen Globe 2016 neckpiece (knitted Linlon with 3D printed links), Earth Sea 2016 wristpiece (knitted Linlon with pearl links)
Nora Fok neckpieces - Seed Pod Variations 2012 (crocheted knitted looped linen/Linlon tied with flax seeds), Choker Weave 2014 (woven linen thread), Wearable Seed Bank 2012 (woven linen with flax seeds & polypropylene)
Nora Fok - 3D printed spiral weave wrist & neckpieces (3D printed polymer & thread)
Nora Fok - I Heart Pentagon 2016 Neckpiece, Hexagon & Pentagon 2016 Wristpieces (3D printed polymer units with tied knotted dyed nylon)
Nora Fok - Coral Colony: A Thriving Community 2016 - Crocheted linen
+ polyester threads on polypropylene
Nora Fok - Coral Colony: A Dying Community 2016 - Crocheted natural linen
+ polyester threads on polypropylene with glass beads

The Harley Gallery is situated on the Welbeck Estate in Nottinghamshire.  There is ample car parking and a cafe close by. Nora Fok's "New Threads" is on until 23 October 2016.

Note: It is also handy for Hope & Elvis, where Louise Presley curates a fantastic range ot textile and mixed media workshops, run by leading artists and makers.

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