
Thursday 22 March 2018

Street Art in Melbourne

Cat near Degraves Street

Melbourne, Australia has a vibrant street art scene from stencils through tagging to large artistic pieces.  Here are a few I spotted whilst wandering round the city.

Helicopter flying out of Degraves Place

Union Lane Tags

Duckboard Place

Shoes in Duckboard Place

Man with Tree & more - Duckboard Place

AC/DC Lane

Hosier Lane

And if this is more your sort of street art, feast your eyes...

Hopetoun Tea Rooms - Block Arcade

Unfortunately the queue was too long for me to sample the delights here.  Perhaps another time ....

Friday 16 March 2018

Haberdashery & Other Delights Down Under

Vintage threads from Harold & Maude, Melbourne

I have recently been on a most excellent trip to the Antipodes.  Whilst hanging out there I did stumble across some rather fabulous places so here's just a little taster of the haberdashery delights I discovered, with a bit of art thrown in.

Wooden buttons from Otekah

I happened to be in Hobart, Tasmania, on a Saturday for the Salamanca Market (which is truly huge). These cute bird buttons from Otekah called out to me because I do love buttons!  While I was there Melanie Roach was exhibiting in the Studio Gallery at Salamanca Arts Centre.  I really liked her work -  capturing the Tasmanian wilderness through abstract shapes...

The Road - Melanie Roach
After Hobart, we headed to Melbourne, Australia.  Near Flinders Street Station, I found some really cool places.  There were some beautiful marbled papers in Il Papiro in Degraves Street..

Marbled papers from Il Papiro

which I just can't wait to use!  Then upstairs in the Cathedral Arcade on Swanson Street I found Harold & Maude (see top pic) with all manner of vintage, recycled, remade and slightly spooky goodies.  And there was the wonderful l'uccello with lots of vintage haberdashery and loveliness too...

Goodies from l'uccello

Among other things, I bought some great Liberty goodies (coals to Newcastle or what!)  Next I found the Kimono House and couldn't resist some thread and papers...

Japanese thread & papers from the Kimono House
Kimono House

The Kimono House also had an exhibition of Tenugui - The Japanese Handtowel.  Widely popular from the 16th century these cloths had a myriad of uses - towel, food cover, gift wrap, collar or cooling cloth.  Recently there has been a resurgence in popularity and there are lots with modern prints. Often given as gifts or used as marketing tools with companies names emblazoned on them, Tenugui range from the mass produced to the more individual, artist's version...

Tenugui Exhibition at the Kimono House

L'uccello recommended I also check out Curtin House, on Swanson Street - another vertical treat of independent places.  I loved Metropolis - great cards, books and other printed loveliness.  I found work there by Alice Patullo  which I couldn't resist. 

Lovely Metropolis Bookshop

And the Rooftop Bar at Curtin House had great views!

View from Curtin House Rooftop Bar

After Melbourne, we spent some time in Napier, New Zealand and discovered The Department of Curiosites and Fine Things, selling all manner of New Zealand made goodies.  I'm sorry I can't show you what I bought as it's a present that hasn't yet been given!

A great shop in Napier

But do look at what you could do outside...

Yarnbomb in Napier

Did you know that in Australia they call charity shops - Op Shops (Opportunity Shops).  In my last few minutes before leaving Sydney I nipped into one and bought some vintage lace, a little bit of which I have already used here ...

Vintage lace from a Sydney Op Shop already in use.

Hope you've enjoyed this whistlestop tour.  More another time...