
Sunday 13 May 2018

Handmade Notebooks at Olive's Nest, York

Everyone working hard

On Saturday we had a very full house at Olive's Nest for the first Handmade Notebooks Course...

Decorating notebook covers

Everyone had to concentrate to get their 4 different notebooks done - but phew everyone finished!  We were helped along with constant tea & coffee refuelling and fabulous cake supplied by Gaynor who runs Olive's Nest.  (Sorry to say there are no cake pics - it disappeared too quickly!)

Love Hearts also available for refuelling

It was lovely to see everyone's finished notebooks.  And now everyone knows how to make them, I hope there'll be lots more made at home...

A selection of notebooks made

Thanks to Katherine, Hannah, Angela, Gina, Rosemary, Alison & Rimi for coming along, working hard and making it such a fun afternoon. And thanks also to Gaynor & Jem for looking after us so well.

I have another workshop - Stitched Postcards coming up at Olive's Nest on Saturday 19 May 2018 from 2-4.30pm if you fancy joining me.  If that's not for you, check out the other workshops on offer here. And to book a place contact Gaynor at Olive's Nest - email: or call into Olive's Nest at 4, Scarcroft Road, York, YO23 1NB. 

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