
Wednesday 11 July 2018

York's Bloomin' Marvellous Flowerwall in Bloom! - Part 1

Part of the Flowerwall at York Explore Library

The Bloom! festival in York over the last few days has made the city look even better than usual.  From the 5-8 July 2018,  the festival celebrated the 250th anniversary of the Ancient Society of York Florists - who have held an annual horticultural show since 1768.  This blogpost is dedicated to the York Learning community art flowerwall at York Explore which was magnficent.

Flower arch at Bloom!

You may remember that I went along to take part in one of the many York Learning flowerwall workshops given by Deborah New - read more here.  Then I told the Fairfax Court Yarnstormers all about it and they decided to get involved - read about that here.  Fiona Dixon & her group Sew Chatty also contributed fab flowers to the project...

Sew Chatty Flowers courtesy of Fiona Dixon

See if you can spot them in the flower wall...

Green flowers

York Learning put on lots of flower making workshops for people to go to. Workshops weren't only held at the library.  Claire Douglas (project leader) & Kerry Roberts took workshops into New Earswick, Skelton and St Barnabas primary schools and Karen at Lakeside primary ran after school workshops for parents & children.

Some people made them at home or in their craft groups.  Sue Clayton worked with older learners & Kat Wood, created lovely flowers from plastic bags with crafty folk at Chapelfields Community   Association & Foxwood Community Centre.  Other groups (including Haxby Methodist Church Hall, Clifton Library & Blossom Women's Group) and individuals (especially Cheryl Pickard & Hannah Savage) also made lots of bloomin' flowers...

Green Flowers

There was such a great variety of flowers - fabric, paper, plastic, willow, stitched, knitted, crocheted and they were all displayed in groups of the same colour...

Blue Flowers
Blue Flowers
Purple Flowers
Red & Orange Flowers
Fabulous Flowers
Yellow flowers
White flowers
White flowers

It wasn't just the outside of the library that was blooming...

The Stairwell is Blooming
Inside the Library

It all looked fantastic.  And Claire Douglas, Deborah New, Donna Taylor & Karen Winship did an amazing job putting it all together.  Thanks to York Learning and everyone who took part for creating such an amazing display!

York Learning Flowerwall

More about the Bloom! festival in another post!


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