
Sunday 16 September 2018

A Day with Jane Bevan at Hope & Elvis

My assemblages

I have recently spent a fantastic day at Hope & Elvis on a workshop with Jane Bevan.  Jane is an artist who uses natural and found materials such as thorns, twigs and bark. Employing the techniques of tying, stitching, twining, coiling and binding to her materials, Jane makes small sculptures and vessels.

Work by Jane Bevan

We started the day looking at Jane's work for inspiration...

Work by Jane Bevan

We then went for a walk and collected some materials to use.  These are some of mine...

There were all sorts of fab natural materials provided for us to use too...

And a great selection of threads...

And then we set to work.  Here are some pics of work made by other workshop participants...

And you can see what I made at the start of this blogpost. And this too...

It was a lovely day.  Thanks Jane!  

Hope & Elvis is a great place to go for a workshop.  There are great tutors, loads of materials to use, a friendly atmosphere (thanks to Louise Asher, who owns Hope & Elvis) and fabulous lunches provided by Magie Hollingworth (which are a highlight in themselves!) Check them out!


  1. Oh wow that looks like a fantastic workshop, I am envious I must see if Jane Bevan comes down our way. Love your pieces.
