
Monday 24 September 2018

Mister Finch - The Wish Post at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park

In case you missed the recent Mister Finch exhibiton - The Wish Post - at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park here's a taster...

Mister Finch - Dashery Bunny
Mister Finch - Toadstools

Mister Finch - Hedgehogs

Mister Finch - Bundle Hedgehog
Mister Finch - Whistle Swan

Mister Finch - Squirrels
Mister Finch - Badgers
Mister Finch - Hobnail Badger

Mister Finch - Pitch Mole
Mister Finch - Rats
Mister Finch - Moss Rat
Mister Finch - Fernsby Fox

Mister Finch - Birdle Toadstool Hare

Mister Finch - Moth

Mister Finch, a Leeds based textile artist, has constructed this hand sewn menagerie inspired by British folklore, the Bretton Estate and Yorkshire wildlife.  Made from vintage tapesteries, antique silverware, discarded wire and more, Finch's gothic kingdom of woodland creatures collect other animals wishes which are breathed into envelopes and posted into toadstool postboxes.  In true fairytale fashion, one night each year their wishes are carried away on the wind and come true in the Wish Post festival.

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