
Wednesday 22 May 2019

Tree Leaves at the Trafalgar Bay

Anna's Leaf Stash

We had a warm welcome from publican, Sarah, for our workshop at the Trafalgar Bay on Tuesday evening.  Everyone worked very hard with their knitting and stitching.  Elizabeth went off piste with some fab crochet!

Candi, Alice, Nettie & Elizabeth

Emma & Hana

Deborah & Sarah

Nicky, Anna & Anna

Thanks to Sarah for accommodating us!

We had a very nice cache of trees and leaves after the workshop...

Trees & Leaves from the Trafalgar Bay workshop

Thank you to everyone who came along and to the Trafalgar Bay for having us!

Our final workshop is on Friday 14 June 2019 at Rowntree Park Cafe from 2-4pm.  Come & join us - full details here.

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