
Monday 16 September 2019

On-line at the Tree Leaves Laundrette

De-stringing the Tree Leaves Yarnstorm

You may remember that we recently took down the Tree Leaves Yarnstorm which had been on display in Rowntree Park this summer....

The Tree Leaves Yarnstorm in Rowntree Park, York - Summer 2019

After de-stringing, the Tree Leaves went in the wash...

The Tree Leaves Laundrette

and then on-line...

ready for the sales to fundraise for the Woodland Trust. Here are the sale dates for your diary...

Saturday 21 September 2019 – Rowntree Park (just below the cafe)
York, YO23 1JU 
10:00 – 15:00

Thursday 26 September 2019 – Trafalgar Bay
7 Nunnery Lane, York, YO23 1AB
19:00 – 21:00
Please spread the word.  We would like to raise as much for the Woodland Trust as possible.  If you'd like to contribute but can't make the sale, there is a donation tin in Rowntree Park Cafe...

Woodland Trust Donation Tin in Rowntree Park Cafe

or you can donate directly to the Woodland Trust here and please mention the Tree Leaves Yarnstorm.

If you want to read more about the project take a look here.  

Hope to see you at the sales soon!

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