
Monday 16 May 2022

Mixed Media with Josie Beszant at ArtisOn

Josie Beszant

Had a lovely day recently at ArtisOn near Masham attending a mixed media workshop led by Josie Beszant.  Josie is a mixed media and collage artist who also runs Masham Gallery (which is well worth a look if you're in the area). We spent a pleasant day making samples some of which you can see below...

Watercolour & resist

Watercolour & resist

Watercolour & charcoal


Gouache & oil pastels

Gouache & oil pastels

We learnt about layering, mixing, spattering and scraping and then moved on to stamping, printing with plants, collage and transfer techniques... 


Printing with plants

Josie had an abundance of vintage postcards and I was on a roll collaging on those.  Here are a few...

Collaged postcards

Collaged postcards

Collaged postcards

Josie had lots of materials for us to use and was very generous with them. 

Gaynor and Sue who run ArtisOn are very friendly and welcoming and we had a spectacular 2 course lunch prepared by Vanessa. Throughout the day we were plied with plenty of tea, biscuits and cake.  It was all splendid!  You can check out all the workshops that ArtisOn put on here.  Josie also runs art and wellbeing experiences at Happy House Masham.

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