Butterflies & Bees Patterns

Knitted & Stitched Butterflies & Bees

These patterns were developed for the Butterflies & Bees Yarnstorm. Full details about this project can be found here. 

There is a knitting pattern for bees that you can use to knit 7 different sizes of bee and there are 3 different wing patterns that you can mix and match with your knitted bees.  There are also instructions for stitching a bee if you'd prefer. There is a simple knitting pattern for a butterfly and also one that you can use to knit 4 different sizes of butterfly and instructions for a stitched butterfly.  You can also find instructions for a pompom bee and for origami fabric butterflies.  Click on the coloured text below to find more info.

Completed butterflies & bees can be left at the Rowntree Park Cafe, Richardson Street, York, YO23 1JU, the Trafalgar Bay pub, 7 Nunnery Lane, York, YO23 1AB or taken along to any of the Butterflies & Bees Workshops.

All Butterflies & Bees to arrive by Saturday 31 July 2021 please.

Bee Knitting Patterns

Bee Wing Knitting Patterns
Simple Bee Wing Patterns
Simple Solid Bee Wings

Simple Hollow Bee Wings

Complex Bee Wing Pattern

Complex Bee Wings

Stitched Bee

Pompom Bee

Simple Knitted Butterfly Pattern

Alternative Butterfly Knitting Pattern
Butterfly Knitting Pattern (4 sizes)

Stitched Butterfly

If you want instructions on how to make your own butterfly templates click here.

Origami Fabric Butterflies
Origami Fabric Butterflies

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